Do NOT Doubt Your Talents and Skills
You are amazing. You need to know this.
True story. In 2009, I just started with a crappy blog writing about my cat because I just got a DSLR I had no idea how to use and my husband thought I needed a hobby. Flash forward a decade later, I didn’t know how much this blog turned platform would be such a creative outlet for me.
Before I started, I heard so many negative things from others AND myself.
- There are too many photographers already.
- You don’t know how to code.
- Who wants to read anything about your cat?
- Your mom is the only one that visits your blog.
If I had listened to those voices, I would have missed out on about $75,000 worth of opportunity, an amazing creative outlet, people I would have never met, and skills that have helped me as both an entrepreneur and in the world of big business. Yes, it took me longer than most to get to my destination. But everyone has a different journey to get where they need to be.
And don’t get me started on the comparison game.
In order to push through these negative voices, I had to develop thick skin, I’m one of those weird people who set out to try to prove people wrong. I want you to do the same on this journey.
Yes, it will be a long road, especially if you are starting your hustle as a side gig. That’s okay. The journey is also very, very rewarding.
If you decide to go the blogging route, know that it’s not JUST about the money. Here are the AMAZING things that can come of the journey you are about to go on:
- Community. You’ll find a niche of people who are like minded because of what you write about. Your network of friends will grow - I guarantee it.
- Real World MBA. You’re going to learn everything thing from sales, marketing, negotiations and operations.
- Build a Portfolio of Skills. You are going to crush the skill building game. You are going to have so many tools in your pocket after going after this dream. You literally will build and be better at photography, writing, social media, online marketing and SEO IN ADDITION to the PASSION you are going after.
- Fulfillment. This is ALL YOU. ALL YOU. You are embarking on a journey where you can start feeling like you are helping others with the talents you were given. In this age of technology, the barrier to entry to small business is low. Your small business was frought from your need to find joy. That joy is going to HELP others. If that’s not fulfilling, I don’t know what is.
Stop with the naysayers. Push through. Even if you fail, what does fail even mean? You spent time to cultivate a community of friends, you learned new skills that you can use in the future, I TRIED something, which is better than doing nothing.
You’re not going to fail. You are going to SOAR because you took the first step. Let’s do this together.
- Start a notebook for inspiration and purpose for this new project. Write down your WHY that has to do with something other than money. Why are you starting on this journey?